Bus Route Information - Volusia County Schools (2025)

As a district, we value partnerships with our communities and open communication regarding student transportation services. Below you can find information for all of your transportation needs.

  • Bus Transportation Process
  • Bus Transportation Eligibility
  • Bus Stop Change Requests
  • Responsibility
  • Transportation Parent Portal
  • Late Bus Text Messages
  • Where's The Bus Parent App
  • Questions/Concerns
  • Student Transportation Contact Information

Bus Transportation Process

  1. Students that plan to ride the bus must first request transportation at the school of enrollment.
  2. The school Registrar will verify the address on file is up to date and verify transportation eligibility.
  3. Once the parent has met with the school, the transportation request will be submitted to GIS Routing 24 hours later.
  4. Bus assignment will be completed and appear on Transportation Parent Portal within 5 – 7 days.

Bus Transportation Eligibility

Per Florida Statute 6A-3.001: a reasonable walking distance for any student who is not otherwise eligible for transportation pursuant to Section 1011.68, F.S., is any distance not more than two (2) miles between the home and school. Such distance shall be measured from the closest pedestrian entry point of the property where the student resides to the closest pedestrian entry point of the assigned school building. The district shall determine the shortest pedestrian route whether or not it is accessible to motor vehicle traffic. Measurements are calculated per the statute above, using a calibrated GPS unit; measurements are not approved using personal navigation units, cell phones or mapping browsers.

Before continuing to the bus route information, please read the following:

  • It is parent responsibility to ensure the safety of their student to and from the bus stop.
  • Bus stops are for bus-eligible students only. As mentioned above, eligibility is determined based on the student's residential address on file at the school.
  • For student safety and accountability, bus transportation is solely determined by the residential address on file at the school. Alternate arrangements become the responsibility of the parent or legal guardian.
  • If you have moved, please make sure to update your address with your student's school immediately.

Use theAddress Lookup Toolto research transportation eligibility and the reviewed safe bus stop information.

  • Address Lookup Instructions

Bus Stop Change Requests

  • For student safety and accountability, students are assigned to the centralized bus stop per the residential address on file at the school.
  • Stop change/same route requests will be reviewed after the first 3 weeks of school to ensure routes have stabilized and leveled.
  • Students that are involved in a split custody agreement, are assigned bus transportation to and from the main address on file at the school. Alternate requests become parental responsibility.
  • Alternate requests to daycare, friend or family locations are not permitted.

Note: Due to high call and email volume, bus assignment for eligible students can take approximately 7-14 days for review during school opening season.


Per Florida Administrative Rule, it is the responsibility of Parents/Guardians to ensure the safe travel/transport of students to and from the bus stop, as well as supervising while at the stop.

Transportation Parent Portal

As a district, we value partnerships with our communities and open communication regarding student transportation services. Parent Portal is a valuable resource for parents, legal guardians and students to access up to date information regarding their students' transportation schedule.

Before continuing to Transportation Parent Portal, please read the following:

  • To successfully log in, the 5 character Student ID code and student birth date need to match the information on file at the school.
  • Students requesting transportation at the school level will have transportation information available for view.
  • Students that are not eligible, or are not requesting transportation, will not display bus route information.
  • Transportation Parent Portal Directions

Transportation Parent Portal

Late Bus Text Messages

To receive text messages updating you on the status of your child's late bus please:

  1. Check their child's Emergency Information Form. Be sure that the numbers in the cellular phone # field are accurate. These are the numbers that are eligible to receive text messages. If no number is entered in that field, no text messages can be sent.
  2. Send a message of "Y" or "YES" to our district's short code number, 67587.

Get ready for back to school season with these important reminders below.

Where's The Bus Parent App

  • Information about the "Where's The Bus" Parent App
  • "Where's The Bus" Desktop Instructions
  • "Where's The Bus" Mobile Instructions

Our goal for launching this innovative application is to improve awareness, reduce bus stop stress, provide communication to families and potentially reduce phone calls or emails. If you would like to research this application further prior to downloading, please click on the link below.

  • You can now begin setting up your account.
  • Open your web browser.
  • Type in or click on the link -https://www.wheresthebus.com/
  • Click Set up account.
  • You will see Volusia County School
  • Follow the onscreen instructions.


  1. Please visit the FAQ section under Parent Resources.
  2. Follow the link under Student Transportation Contact Information to access contact information for your child’s school.

Student Transportation Contact Information

Transportation Contacts

Bus Route Information - Volusia County Schools (2025)


How far can a school bus go to pick up a kid in Florida? ›

A reasonable walking distance for a student is defined by the Florida Department of Education Administrative Code as:" any distance not more than two (2) miles between the home and the school or one and one half (1-1/2) miles between the home and the assigned bus stop".

How far do you have to live from a school to get a bus in FL? ›

By law in Florida, school buses must be provided for students who live two or more miles from the school, except sometimes in the case of charter schools.

Can you pass a school bus Florida? ›

Points On Your License. In Florida, drivers who pass a stopped school bus commit a moving violation. Points will get added to your driving record if convicted. You will receive four points for this offense.

How to sub at Volusia County Schools? ›

Substitute Teachers

You must have a minimum of a High School diploma or GED. This position requires completed screenings. You will be notified by email as to when to complete them. Substitute teachers are required to complete the Volusia County School District training program.

Do Florida school buses have stop cameras? ›

The big story: Florida lawmakers decided to let school districts put cameras on buses as a way to catch drivers who illegally pass the buses as they're stopped to let children on and off. So far, the cameras haven't proven much of a deterrent.

Do you stop for a school bus if there is a median in Florida? ›

Multi-lane roads

If you are traveling on a road with a paved median, you must stop for school buses. You have to remain stopped until the road is clear of children and the school bus stop arm is withdrawn.

Will I get a ticket in the mail for passing a school bus in FL? ›

Will I get a ticket in the mail for passing a school bus in FL? If you pass a school bus in Florida, you will receive a ticket in the mail with a minimum fine of $200.

What is the new school bus law in Florida? ›

The new Florida law permits school districts to contract with private companies to install cameras on school buses. The cameras will be able to produce a recorded video along with two or more still images that document infractions.

Is it illegal to sleep at a bus stop in Florida? ›

Unhoused people across Florida will no longer be able to sleep on public property beginning in October. Gov. Ron DeSantis signed a bill into law recently prohibiting the practice. Municipalities will have to enforce or face possible lawsuits.

How much do subs make in Volusia County? ›

Average Volusia County Schools Substitute Teacher hourly pay in Florida is approximately $15.24, which meets the national average.

How many days of school can you miss in Volusia County? ›

Florida law defines "habitual truant" as a student who has 15 or more unexcused absences within 90 calendar days with or without the knowledge or consent of the student's parent or guardian, and who is subject to compulsory school attendance.

What is Volusia County School District ranked? ›

Volusia County Schools maintained its B district grade, after a hiatus of grades in 2020-21, with 43% of schools rated A or B. This is the sixth year that a more rigorous learning gains methodology was used which requires that students make meaningful gains toward grade-level performance and beyond.

How far can a bus stop be from the student home in Florida? ›

Posted by: A reasonable walking distance for any student who is otherwise eligible for transportation pursuant to section 1011.68, Florida Statutes, is any distance not more than two (2) miles between the home and school or one and one half (11⁄2) miles between the home and the assigned bus stop.

What is the law on school bus median in Florida? ›

Florida's School Bus Stop Law

You must remain stopped until all children are clear of the roadway and the bus signal has been withdrawn. If the highway is divided by a raised barrier or an unpaved median at least five feet wide, you do not have to stop if you are moving in the opposite direction of the bus.

What is the statute 1006.10 in Florida? ›

1006.10 Authority of school bus drivers and district school boards relating to student discipline and student safety on school buses.

What is the statute 1006.25 in Florida? ›

1006.25, for all regular transportation. Regular transportation or regular use means transportation of students to and from school or school-related activities that are part of a scheduled series or sequence of events to the same location.

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Name: Frankie Dare

Birthday: 2000-01-27

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Hobby: Baton twirling, Stand-up comedy, Leather crafting, Rugby, tabletop games, Jigsaw puzzles, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.