How many Hibbett Sports stores are there in the United States?
There are 1,170 Hibbett Sports stores in the United States as of January 04, 2024. The state and territory with the most number of Hibbett Sports locations in the US is Georgia, with 137 stores, which is about 12% of all Hibbett Sports stores in the US.
How can I download a list of Hibbett Sports stores in the United States into Excel?
You can download the complete list of 1,170 Hibbett Sports locations data as an Excel file, along with geo-coded addresses, phone numbers and open hours from our data store.
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Top 10 States and Territories with the most Hibbett Sports stores
137 (12%)
A store for every 77,496 people, in Georgia with about 12% of the total number of Hibbett Sports stores
134 (11%)
A store for every 216,388 people, in Texas with about 11% of the total number of Hibbett Sports stores
101 (9%)
A store for every 48,545 people, in Alabama with about 9% of the total number of Hibbett Sports stores
State / Territory | Number of stores | Population | Population per store |
Georgia | 137(12%) | 10.62M | 77.50K |
Texas | 134(11%) | 29.00M | 216.39K |
Alabama | 101(9%) | 4.90M | 48.55K |
Florida | 74(6%) | 21.48M | 290.24K |
Mississippi | 72(6%) | 2.98M | 41.33K |
Tennessee | 69(6%) | 6.83M | 98.97K |
Louisiana | 64(5%) | 4.65M | 72.64K |
North Carolina | 62(5%) | 10.49M | 169.16K |
South Carolina | 55(5%) | 5.15M | 93.62K |
Kentucky | 46(4%) | 4.47M | 97.13K |
There are Hibbett Sports stores in 36 states and territories in the United States
States and Territories without any Hibbett Sports stores
These states and territories do not have any Hibbett Sports stores
- Washington
- Oregon
- Guam
- Maine
- Rhode Island
- Montana
- U.S. Virgin Islands
- Northern Mariana Islands
- North Dakota
- Connecticut
- Idaho
- New Hampshire
- Puerto Rico
- Hawaii
- Alaska
- Massachusetts
- Vermont
- Michigan
- District of Columbia
- American Samoa
There are 20 states and territories without Hibbett Sports stores in the United States
Cities with the most number of Hibbett Sports stores in the United States
City | State / Territory | Number of Locations |
Houston | Texas | 20 |
Memphis | Tennessee | 17 |
Cincinnati | Ohio | 9 |
Louisville | Kentucky | 9 |
Jacksonville | Florida | 8 |
Birmingham | Alabama | 8 |
Montgomery | Alabama | 8 |
Columbia | South Carolina | 7 |
Atlanta | Georgia | 7 |
Jackson | Mississippi | 6 |
Download the complete database of Hibbett Sports Locations in USA
You can download the full list of Hibbett Sports locations used for this analysis from our data store. Here is a random sample of 10 records for you to look at the fields and the data that we provide.
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Name | Street | City | State / Territory | Zip Code | Phone | Latitude | Longitude | Address | Country | Last Updated Date |
Hibbett Sports Andrews | 609 N Main St | Andrews | TX | 79714 | 432-523-2063 | 32.324583 | -102.54893 | 609 N Main St, Andrews, TX, 79714 | USA | 2024-01-04 |
Hibbett Sports Bluefield | Hwy 460 Mercer Mall | Bluefield | WV | 24701 | 304-325-3898 | 37.2978 | -81.168087 | Hwy 460 Mercer Mall, Bluefield, WV, 24701 | USA | 2024-01-04 |
Hibbett Sports Richmond | 3500 B Klose Way 3500b | Richmond | CA | 94806 | 510-292-8576 | 37.982263 | -122.318254 | 3500 B Klose Way 3500b, Richmond, CA, 94806 | USA | 2024-01-04 |
Hibbett Sports Cerritos | 17550 Bloomfield Ave Space A | Cerritos | CA | 90703 | 562-319-3400 | 33.871541 | -118.063228 | 17550 Bloomfield Ave Space A, Cerritos, CA, 90703 | USA | 2024-01-04 |
Hibbett Sports Fontana | 17064 Slover Ave C-101 | Fontana | CA | 92337 | 909-471-4252 | 34.065371 | -117.432518 | 17064 Slover Ave C-101, Fontana, CA, 92337 | USA | 2024-01-04 |
Hibbett Sports El Centro | 3451 S Dogwood Rd | El Centro | CA | 92243 | 760-312-9961 | 32.764225 | -115.53032 | 3451 S Dogwood Rd, El Centro, CA, 92243 | USA | 2024-01-04 |
Hibbett Sports Santa Ana | 2130 E 17th St Space 2130 | Santa Ana | CA | 92705 | 714-293-0275 | 33.75955 | -117.836218 | 2130 E 17th St Space 2130, Santa Ana, CA, 92705 | USA | 2024-01-04 |
Hibbett Sports Panorama City | 7882-2 Van Nuys Blvd | Panorama City | CA | 91402 | 818-439-3652 | 34.215714 | -118.446586 | 7882-2 Van Nuys Blvd, Panorama City, CA, 91402 | USA | 2024-01-04 |
Hibbett Sports (Moreno Valley Mall) Moreno Valley | 22500 Town Cir | Moreno Valley | CA | 92553 | 951-653-1547 | 33.938391 | -117.27026 | 22500 Town Cir, Moreno Valley, CA, 92553 | USA | 2024-01-04 |
Hibbett Macon | 1625 Bass Road Space 260 | Macon | GA | 31210 | 478-993-6282 | 32.929292 | -83.727816 | 1625 Bass Road Space 260, Macon, GA, 31210 | USA | 2024-01-04 |
* Open hours are not displayed here as it is too big to show on a reasonably sized screen.
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