Jenny McCarthy v Elyse Willems - Catfight | Female Celebrity Boxing Association (FCBA) (2025)

Jenny McCarthy v Elyse Willems - Catfight | Female Celebrity Boxing Association (FCBA) (1)


The Comediennes / Results: Lookout!

It’s late after hours at The Comediennes gym. Elyse has just wrapped up giving Rachel Brosnahan an official tour of the facilities.

“And here we have our playback training where you can record your training and then review the film,” Elyse says. “And that’s about everything we have to offer. We’re really thrilled to have you on board.”

Rachel smiles and says, “I can’t wait to get started!”

As she walks down the hallway she passes a 5’7” blonde dressed in a powder tank top and black yoga pants. Her hair is pulled back in a ponytail. She pays Rachel little mind at all as she walks right up to Elyse.

“So… you’re the ‘captain’ of this dump, huh?” says Jenny McCarthy.

“Excuse me?” says Elyse.

“Well I guess if your standards are at the level of the 1990s then it’s an okay place,” says Jenny.

“Mrs. McCarthy,” says Elyse as she waves off a concerned looking Rachel. As Rachel walks down the hall and leaves the two blondes alone, Elyse says, “Well if anyone knew about things that used to be popular in the 90s it would be you.”

“What is that supposed to mean?” Jenny says. You ungrateful little swine! I come to your itty bitty stable and grace you with my presence and you DARE to insult me! You better apologize if you know what’s good for you…”

“I’m not going to take advice on what’s good for me Mrs. Anti-vaxxer,” says Elyse. “What are you doing here anyway?”

“Well I was GOING to give you some tips on how to deal with those lame bitches at Front Street,” says McCarthy as she walks off in a huff. “But you aren’t even worth the time!”

“Jenny when is the last time you beat anyone at Front Street?” says Elyse. “Hell, when is the last time you beat anyone at all!”

Jenny stops dead in the middle of the hallway and turns around. She slowly starts to walk back to Elyse. Hands on her hips, Jenny squints and then…


“Maybe next time you’ll know better than to speak down to your betters,” says Jenny.

Elyse rubs her cheek as Jenny starts to walk away. She can’t let her get away with this. Elyse begins to march after the taller blonde as she grabs Jenny’s ponytail and yanks it back towards her.

“Hey!!!” Jenny turns around and slaps Elyse on the exact same spot of her cheek.

It’s so on.

With a hand in her opponent’s hair, Elyse tries to yank Jenny’s head backwards. She slams her smaller 5’3” frame against Jenny’s but it’s like hitting a brick wall. Elyse lets out a gasp of pain as Jenny takes hold of Elyse’s blonde locks and tips her head in a perfect position for more slaps. And she does deliver more slaps. Many more. So many that Elyse is forced to give up Jenny’s hair and cover herself up.

“Let’s go…” Jenny says as she drags Elyse into the playback training room.

A red light blinks on as it senses motion in the room and the lights automatically shut on. Jenny throws Elyse against the wall and then locks the door behind them.

“No escape,” says Jenny.

“Don’t need it,” says a confident Elyse.

The two women run towards each other and collide in the center of the room, all the while the playback camera catches every single moment. The girls are down on the ground throwing slaps and digging their claws into each other. Each one tries to straddle the other one for the top position, but eventually Jenny’s superior size wins out.

She gets Elyse’s hands pinned down to the floor as she smirks.

“Captain, huh?” chides Jenny.

Elyse thrusts her hips but Jenny saw it coming a mile away. She slams her ass down on Elyse’s midsection at the exact right time to flatten Elyse back down. The Comedienne Captain groans as Jenny pries her from the floor.

Jenny takes a handful of Elyse’s hair, turns her around, and then runs them both towards the closest wall. Elyse slams face-first into the matted wall, but it’s still enough to cause her knees to buckle. Jenny cooly stands her opponent back on her feet and delivers a brutal uppercut to the gut. Elyse doubles over Jenny’s fist, but soon finds herself straightened back up and on the receiving end on a right hook to her chin.

Elyse stumbles back and trips over her own two feet, crashing ass first to the floor. Jenny gives Elyse zero time to breathe. She’s already on the smaller girl, dragging her along the floor by the hair. Elyse wails out, but nobody can hear it due to the soundproof glass. The bigger blonde stands Elyse up once more and wraps her arms around her. She hugs Elyse, squeezing as tightly as she can and then eventually lifting the smaller girl clean off of her feet.

“Tiny b*tch with a big mouth like you, I assume you’re used to this,” says Jenny who then sprints forward and slams Elyse back-first into the wall.

Jenny backs up and lets Elyse slide down onto the floor. The bigger girl grabs Elyse by the chin and brings her up to her feet once again. Jenny delivers another uppercut to Elyse’s gut and the Comedienne fighter drops to her feet. Jenny grabs a handful of hair and brings Elyse to the center of the room.

Jenny plants her foot on Elyse’s chest and looks down at her…

“Now, I think you owe someone an apology,” Jenny says.

“Screw you McCarthy,” says Elyse.

“Big words for such an insignificant little sh*t like you,” says Jenny. “Tell ya what… you admit to me right now that I’m 10x the woman you’ll ever be and I won’t tell anyone how bad I just whooped your ass.”

“Nobody will believe you anyway,” says Elyse.

Jenny frowns. Elyse is right. No matter how loud Jenny screams nobody will buy it… But then Jenny notices something curious. A red dot that beams through the wall.

“Oh my God… is there a camera behind that wall?” asks Jenny.

Little does Jenny McCarthy know, there are multiple cameras that capture every single angle imaginable in the room. She looks down at Elyse, who has no shut her lips.

“OH MY GOD THERE IS!!!” wheezes a gleeful Jenny.

She takes Elyse by the hair again and slams her face-first into the wall close to the red dot.

“Tell the camera who just whooped your little Comedienne ass!” demands Jenny.

“Screw you…” groans Elyse.

You don’t want to play along?” says Jenny. “FINE!”

She brings Elyse’s head back and slams it BAM BAM BAM against the wall. As Elyse’s knees buckle, Jenny lets her drop to the floor. The bloodthirsty McCarthy then straddles Elyse, looking down with nothing but malicious intent.

“You are going to be nothing when I’m finished with you,” says Jenny.

The buxom blonde tugs down her shirt a little and plants her 34D chest square on Elyse’s face. The smothering takes little time at all as the struggling Elyse soon goes limp under Jenny’s chest. McCarthy pulls her chest up off of the passed out Elyse and then gets a brilliant idea.

With a limp Elyse slung over her shoulder, Jenny marches around the room spanking the knocked out woman’s ass. All the while the Comediennes camera catches every last shot of it. Elyse’s ass jiggles as McCarthy’s hand slaps it with conviction.

“I think I got my point across…” says Jenny as she dumps Elyse into the middle of the room.

Jenny then turns to the red dot, plants her foot on Elyse’s cheek, and flexes her arms.

“So much for your captain, Comediennes!” says McCarthy with a wink. “Now, I just have to find out how to get to those cameras…”

Jenny McCarthy v Elyse Willems - Catfight | Female Celebrity Boxing Association (FCBA) (2)

Jenny McCarthy v Elyse Willems - Catfight | Female Celebrity Boxing Association (FCBA) (2025)
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Author: Horacio Brakus JD

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Author information

Name: Horacio Brakus JD

Birthday: 1999-08-21

Address: Apt. 524 43384 Minnie Prairie, South Edda, MA 62804

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Job: Sales Strategist

Hobby: Sculling, Kitesurfing, Orienteering, Painting, Computer programming, Creative writing, Scuba diving

Introduction: My name is Horacio Brakus JD, I am a lively, splendid, jolly, vivacious, vast, cheerful, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.